Our commitments

Since 2011, TOOFRUIT has been committed to bringing you the best products for children, while protecting the planet!
Certified organic products

Since its creation, Toofruit has chosen to have its organic products certified by the Ecocert organization, as a guarantee of quality and respect for the planet.

Certified organic cosmetics are based on 3 key values:

A high proportion of ingredients of natural origin (over 99% of Toofruit ingredients are of natural origin, compared with the 95% required by organic labels),
Respect for the environment,
Strong ethical and social values.
Organic certification does not stop at the quality of cosmetic formulas, but takes into account the entire life cycle of the product:

Origin of raw materials, to encourage ethical and sustainable sourcing,
Gentle, non-polluting manufacturing processes,
Choice of recyclable or eco-responsible packaging,
Transparent labelling and responsible communication…

(Source : Cosmébio)

Products made in France

Toofruit has chosen to manufacture its products in France to ensure local production, limit the impact of transport and promote the local economy. What’s more, France is renowned for its expertise in cosmetics, and strict French standards give our products a guarantee of quality.

Eco-responsible formats

At Toofruit, we’ve been committed to reducing our ecological footprint since our creation in 2011. Today, to take things a step further, we’ve created 2 eco-refills for our hygiene products.

They generate 80% less plastic than our 400 mL pump bottles.

They reduce the impact of transport because they are lighter (lower fuel consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, etc.).

They’re made from 100% flexible polyethylene, without caps, so they’re recyclable in France thanks to the new sorting instructions!

Eco-responsible formats

We have invested in a cardboard shredder to transform our warehouse waste into cushioning material for our parcels!

Goods received in our warehouse are stored in recyclable cardboard boxes. Instead of throwing them away, we give them a second life thanks to the cardboard shredder: the cardboard is cut to make it more flexible. During parcel preparation, we use this cardboard to wrap and cushion the products. When you receive your parcel at home, you can dispose of this packaging material in your recycling bin.

Thanks to this, we’ve gone from using a 12 m3 skip a month to 1 x 2m3 garbage can a month!

Eco-responsible parcels

Toofruit has chosen to keep product packaging to a minimum. As a result, our products are sold “naked”, without over-packaging.

It’s true that it’s difficult to fit all the essential information on the product’s primary packaging (tube, bottle…), but the planet thanks us!

Recyclable packaging

Almost all our packaging is plastic. We’re well aware of the disadvantages of plastic in terms of ecology, but it does have a number of advantages in cosmetics:

Resistance: humidity, heat, deformation…
Ease and safety of storage: plastic is a lightweight material (lightweight means less fuel consumption for transport, and therefore less pollution of the atmosphere!) It’s also a reliable material that limits leakage.
Protect the cosmetic formula from the outside environment: oxygen in the air is an oxidizing agent that can alter certain raw materials and modify the product’s organoleptic properties (color, odor).
Protect consumers from microbial contamination: for consumer safety, bacteria must not be allowed to develop in the formula during use.

To limit the environmental impact of our packaging, we choose recyclable materials wherever possible. In France, PET and PE recycling facilities are well developed. Some municipalities also recycle PP.

The alternatives we are exploring:

Use recycled plastic: this reduces waste, as it is reused to create new packaging.
Use biosourced plastic: the plastic is of the same nature (so the waste is the same) but the source of manufacture is different. This is often sugarcane waste.
Create products without packaging: the best way to avoid polluting is not to generate waste! This is the case with solid cosmetics, for example. They can be sold in bulk or in cardboard boxes.
The transition to new packaging is a long one, but we’ve been working on new avenues for several months now.

Our daily office routine

Selective sorting: as our offices are based in Boulogne Billancourt, where sorting instructions have been extended, we recycle paper, plastic (including yoghurt pots and plastic bags!) and glass.
Zero waste coffee: we’ve replaced the capsule coffee maker with a piston coffee maker. It’s a 100% zero-waste tip, and the coffee still tastes just as good (the coffee grounds are used to maintain drains or as fertilizer for plants).
Print in black and white, on scrap paper.
A water filter on the tap and water bottles: so nobody uses plastic bottles.
Home-cooked meals so as not to multiply takeaway waste.
Prefer journeys by bike or public transport.
These simple gestures on a large scale can have a significant impact on the planet!